Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today I ask of my Being of what can I do to fulfill my highest purpose in this life? There must be something beyond just meeting the requests of my ability to live and be at peace. If I listen closely there is a current of truth that reflects what the deeper meaning of my existence is. For me, this is to catalyze and empower the feminine spirit and energy of our mothers, sisters, and daughters.
For every woman is one of these to someone, and if I am to be of a species then my responsibility of intentional creation extends regardless of immediate relationship. There is no person disconnected from my being, in one way or another we are One. If all of the individuals in my life are to be as family, to be as One singular tribe of Nature's expression in my life, then I am responsible for what I create within such.
So, I take up this request of my Higher Self for this day and make a declaration of my intention. I share this awareness and purpose with those who would read and possibly consider the importance of such a task. For it is through listening to the inner voice of which direct connection to our unified spirit exists that we may each discover the reason to why God, Nature, or the cosmos have called upon our soul into a body.

The feminine energy of creation is dynamic, it shifts and changes upon the foundation of logical and fundamental structure of the masculine. On a practical level I see that it is this structure of living, the platform of society that is organized, that enables any change to occur. It becomes apparent that what we have created as a basis for living that allows our creative being to arise s insufficient for the demands of our higher potential. There are components of which proper alignment could result in a perfect reflection of Nature's highest way of Being, alas, if we are not to choose how we utilize such then we are subject to the whims of the subconscious. Nature will play out it's own design and of this Nature ask's us the question, what will you choose to do?
Until this point in time we have toiled to create an order for which we can grow, this is the way of Nature. It is inherent to existence that on each level of macrocosm structure is created of which energy may freely change and grow. Without the masculine laws of Nature there would not be allowed processes to occur of which change results in a resolution, a refinement of existence. This resolution, this way of changing and becoming new that is a quality of all things, is the feminine. Without such the world would become bland, stagnant, and potentially dissolve into an absolute order of which no thing would be different from the next.
To come into comprehension of the qualities of energy is to welcome the concepts that occur on the variety of scales to which this energy manifests. The height of this fundamental spectrum of energy behavior are the qualities of masculine, feminine, and the intermediary which is the combining of the two. Consider masculine as a straight line and feminine as a curve...this one idea alone can blossom into an entirely new way of seeing of which the qualities of Being are brought into awareness.
This is our first step, to become aware. To consider that life is not crude and random, nor is it stagnant and uniform is to ask of God the truth that brings the soul to manifest into a body. This is to ask of the Source of life to show us how existence works, how we are allowed to be. Perhaps for some of us this depth of comprehension or expanse of awareness is irrelevant, yet I assure you that through this portal is a glimpse into the workings of our practical day to day existence.
All of life expands and contracts. As if each moment, each fragment of energy drifting in the ocean of creation pulsates in and out of being. Each action we take is checked upon our deepest unconscious mind, if we are to get out of bed in the morning there must be a trust that the floor remains, and that gravity will support us perfectly. The mind knows this even if we do not for one instant consider such.
This contraction is masculine, a written word of truth gathered by the perception of consciousness. Then, once a foundation is met for which energy to propelled from we expand. We explode into Being and take the step needed to move forward in time. We create upon this foundation, we move, we change, we place new information into the field for which the next contraction will meet. Life progresses in this way, and we can choose to see such as simple or as infinitely complex. Regardless of how our awareness harnesses this concept the existence of such is undeniable.
Now let us telescope out into the physical world. From the realms of energy flickering in and out of the divine matrix we find ourselves opening our eyes and looking into our day of possibility. If we are to write on the cosmos the truth of our experience, if we are to act as an agent of Nature, a child of God, if we are to fully accept our Being as a inseparable part of Nature, then we are best to do so with intention.
What do we choose to believe of a situation, of a quality or thing? We return to the question what is my purpose for this day? Of what shall we create if each thought, each feeling, and action is to echo out into the space of all? This is where intention comes in, for although who we are is a reflection of the situation we were born into we have a choice as to what we decide is true and how we interact with our day as a result.
If I feel unhappy then I can choose to be honest with those around me, to find the source of discomfort and discover the lesson within such. To feel full of energy and radiating with bliss I can choose to share this wealth or I can choose to horde such, yet as is understood, that which is coveted cannot be expected to flourish. Discipline in action means I cultivate and direct my intention into my day with trust. A forgiveness must remain for my own Being, that if I do not see my intention fulfilled that there must be a higher directive of the moment for which I am serving.
To set an intention is to make a prayer, to put a disclaimer upon one's actions as to what we would like to create. This is a subtle art that directly changes all we encounter. If we choose to live as an example of trust in God then each action will reflect this, even when we cannot recognize such. If we choose to create joy into the world then even in our darkest and most difficult times this energy of our knowing will permeate and unfold. This is our greatest power, for as children of God we hold with us each a spark of creation. On the most basic level of Being we create each moment, if we choose to believe so we can find that even our thoughts are integral to all else.

The purpose of my existence may not have been chosen, instead I merely abstract the highest possibility from my experience. How I utilize this realization is of course my choice, and the events of my life will reflect how my intention and actions are aligned. It has been my charge in life for some time to align who I am with what I create and so we find the intention of empowerment previously stated. This intention, this art of my Being, extends into all things, certainly I am aware of where I succeed in creating a clear reflection and where I do no.
The space of time that my Being has been born into seems very important to me. Why am I here now, what is so special about this point of which my consciousness radiates? If Nature is all things and I am part of this body of God then to know my intentions and to do all I can to cultivate such is the greatest art I can create. From here what is given is respected and treated as a blessing. The content of my life are the tools to which my art may be perfected.
I reach out to the feminine energy, to the Shakti essence, and with utter devotion I ask that she call upon me to serve her best. For my Being is man, my mind puts together the world in logical order and yet this is not enough. There must be poetry, there must be music, there must be a painting of which the palette of my life's content is creating. I can feel the feminine bursting out in my creation, I can see each moment how the divine Goddess fills me with creative momentum. Naturally I can see how such contracts into my beliefs, into the concepts of existence. In response to this I open the doors to a quality called possibility, and so there is a union between the two forces.

Today I thank God for my Being. For this moment of which wonder and amazement thrives and bliss is a well bubbling over that choose to drink from in small rations. I am grateful for this expression of my perspective, for this insight into my core Being as to what this experience has molded me to be. For the discipline to make right choices and to create the highest art for this day I state clearly my willingness. Let there be no confusion, I step into Nature's current and swim freely, I am responsible for what I create.

What is your intention today? What will the art of the moment reveal and what will you quietly utter to the energy of creation? All will be reflected into Being, all will become the world we exist within. Choose, then let go and cultivate compassion. Take each step with purpose and let that purpose align you with the expression of Nature, the child of God, that is awakening within.

Thank you for reading. In'Lakesh Ala'kin, and Blessed Be.